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Know the Full Potential of Calcium for Stronger Bones and Better Health
Published on: September 26, 2024

Protein and Mineral Power- The Benefits of Calcium Pidolate

In the grand orchestra of human health, calcium plays a pivotal role, akin to a maestro conducting a symphony. It’s the cornerstone of strong bones and teeth, a vital player in muscle contractions, and a key participant in numerous other biological processes. However, the mere presence of calcium is not enough. It requires a conductor, a partner to guide it to its destination and ensure its optimal performance. This conductor is pidolate.

Pidolate, a protein-based compound, acts as a chaperone for calcium. It binds with the mineral, forming a complex that enhances its absorption and bioavailability.
Imagine calcium as a talented soloist, but without pidolate, it’s like a musician without a conductor, struggling to find the right notes and tempo. With pidolate, calcium can reach its full potential, harmonizing with other nutrients to create a symphony of health.

Understanding Calcium Pidolate

The partnership between calcium and pidolate is a testament to the intricate balance of nature. Pidolate provides a protective shield for calcium, preventing its premature breakdown and ensuring its safe delivery to the body’s tissues [1].
This enhanced bioavailability allows calcium to be more effectively utilized, leading to a cascade of benefits.

Calcium pidolate and benefts

Calcium Pidolate: A Structural Overview and Its Benefits

Calcium pidolate, a unique calcium supplement, is composed of calcium ions bound to pidolate anions. Pidolate, a derivative of glutamic acid, is a bidentate ligand capable of forming stable complexes with calcium ions. The structural characteristics of pidolate contribute significantly to the unique properties and benefits of calcium pidolate. Calcium pidolate has the chemical formula Ca(C5H6NO3)2 [2].
It is a salt formed by calcium ions and pidolate ions. The pidolate ion is the deprotonated form of pyroglutamic acid. There are two main types: calcium pidolate monohydrate (with one water molecule) and calcium pidolate anhydrous (without water) [3].

The bidentate nature of pidolate allows it to form chelates with calcium, resulting in a more stable and bioavailable form of the mineral. This chelation helps to prevent the premature precipitation of calcium in the gastrointestinal tract, enhancing its absorption and utilization by the body [4]. Moreover, the pidolate moiety may interact with intestinal transporters, facilitating the transport of calcium across the intestinal epithelium.

The presence of the pidolate ligand in calcium pidolate supplement can also influence its solubility and dissolution rate. Pidolate may enhance the solubility of calcium, making it more readily available for absorption [5]. Additionally, the pidolate component may help to modulate the release of calcium from the supplement, potentially reducing the risk of gastrointestinal side effects.

Mechanism of Action

The precise mechanism of calcium pidolate’s action is not fully understood, but it is believed to involve several factors:

  1. Increased Calcium Absorption: The chelated form of calcium may enhance its uptake in the small intestine through various mechanisms, such as improved solubility, hogh calcium pidolate bioavailability and interaction with intestinal transporters [6].
  2. Reduced Calcium Oxalate Formation: Calcium oxalate is an insoluble compound that can contribute to kidney stones. Chelated calcium may reduce the formation of calcium oxalate by

Enhanced Calcium Distribution: Calcium pidolate absorption rate may facilitate the distribution of calcium to target tissues, such as bone and muscle [7].

Calcium pidolate uses

Potential calcium pidolate Benefits

  • Calcium pidolate for bone health: One of the most notable advantages of calcium pidolate lies in its ability to support bone health. Bones are living structures that require a constant supply of calcium to maintain their strength and integrity. By improving calcium absorption and distribution, calcium pidolate can help prevent osteoporosis and other bone-related disorders [8]. It’s like providing a skilled architect with the necessary materials to build a sturdy and durable structure.
  • Muscle Function: Beyond bone health, calcium pidolate plays a vital role in muscle function. Calcium is essential for muscle contractions, and by providing a steady supply of this mineral, calcium pidolate can help individuals maintain muscle strength and prevent cramps [9]. It’s akin to providing a high-performance engine with the fuel it needs to operate at its peak.
  • Nerve Function: Moreover, calcium pidolate can benefit nerve function. Calcium plays a crucial role in the transmission of nerve signals, and adequate levels are essential for maintaining a healthy nervous system [10]. By ensuring a consistent supply of calcium, calcium pidolate for health and wellness can support optimal nerve function, helping to prevent conditions such as muscle weakness and numbness.

Calcium Pidolate: A Unique Nutritional Synergy

Calcium pidolate effectiveness stands out from traditional calcium supplements due to its unique dual role as both a protein framework and a mineral source. The pidolate component, a derivative of the amino acid glutamic acid, provides a protein structure that significantly enhances the absorption and utilization of calcium within the body [11]. This synergistic combination ensures that the calcium is more effectively utilized for its various functions.

The Protein Framework Advantage

The pidolate portion of calcium pidolate offers a protein framework that plays several crucial roles in enhancing calcium absorption and bioavailability:

  • Enhancing calcium absorption with pidolate: The protein structure of pidolate may facilitate the absorption of calcium in the gastrointestinal tract by interacting with intestinal transporters or by creating a favorable environment for calcium uptake by use of calcium pidolate in medicine.
  • Improved Bioavailability: The pidolate component helps to stabilize calcium, preventing its premature precipitation, and ensuring that it is more readily available for the body to use [12]. Calcium pidolate for bone mineral density, calcium pidolate for joint health and calcium pidolate for improved bone health is highly practised.
  • Reduced Gastrointestinal Discomfort: Unlike some traditional calcium supplements, calcium pidolate may help to minimize gastrointestinal side effects, such as constipation or bloating, often associated with calcium supplementation [13].
  • Calcium pidolate for better calcium absorption: The combination of calcium with the protein framework of pidolate creates a more stable and bioavailable form of the mineral, allowing for better utilization by the body.


Calcium pidolate offers a unique and effective approach to calcium supplementation. By providing both a protein framework and a mineral source, it can enhance the absorption and utilization of calcium in the body. The protein framework of pidolate plays a crucial role in optimizing the benefits of calcium supplementation, making it a valuable option for individuals seeking to improve their bone health, muscle function, and overall well-being.


1. National Center for Biotechnology Information. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 14559044, Calcium pidolate. https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Calcium-pidolate.
2. Rico H, Cabranes JA, Hernandez ER, Pérez del Molino J, Escudero G. Effect of calcium pidolate on biochemical and hormonal parameters in involutional osteoporosis. Maturitas. 1990 Jun;12(2):105-11. doi: 10.1016/0378-5122(90)90088-n. PMID: 2255262. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2255262/
3. https://www.elsevier.es/en-revista-allergologia-et-immunopathologia-105-sumario-vol-40-num-5-S0301054612X00053
4. Víctor Falguera; Anabel Mengual; Manuel Vicente; Albert Ibarz. (2010). Effect of calcium pidolate on the rheological characteristics of jams and gelatins. , 43(3), 0–885. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2009.12.005. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0963996909003688#:~:text=Conclusions,such%20as%20jams%20or%20gelatins.
5. Dubos, J. P. W and Chery, L, USES OF CALCIUM PIDOLATE AND / OR MAGNESIUM, FR3056107A1, French, 2017. https://patents.google.com/patent/FR3056107A1/en
6. https://www.cambridge.org/core/blog/2022/11/28/a-promising-ingredient-in-layer-quail-feed-calcium-pidolate/
7. J. Domínguez-Ortega; C. Abad-Schilling; C. Kindelan. (2007). Urticaria due to calcium pidolate. , 35(1), 0–39. doi:10.1016/s0301-0546(07)70228-8. https://www.elsevier.es/en-revista-allergologia-et-immunopathologia-105-articulo-urticaria-due-calcium-pidolate-13099095
8. Laurenceau, R., L-CALCIUM PIDOLATE CONTAINING COMPOSITION FOR LEGEGE WING,DE69931492T2, Germany,1998. https://patents.google.com/patent/DE69931492T2/en

9. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/353829791_Effects_of_calcium_pidolate_supplementation_on_performance_Ca-P_retention_and_bone_development_of_broilers_fed_low_Ca-P_diets
10. Rico, H., Revilla, M., Villa, L.F. et al. Longitudinal study of the effect of calcium pidolate on bone mass in eugonadal women. Calcif Tissue Int 54, 477–480 (1994). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00334327
11. Sarmiento-García A, Gökmen SA, Sevim B, Olgun O. A novel source of calcium: effects of calcium pidolate concentration on egg quality in aged laying quails (Coturnix coturnix Japonica). The Journal of Agricultural Science. 2022;160(6):551-556. doi:10.1017/S0021859622000600. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-agricultural-science/article/abs/novel-source-of-calcium-effects-of-calcium-pidolate-concentration-on-egg-quality-in-aged-laying-quails-coturnix-coturnix-japonica/D3934D264CB1FA32F6307EC96DFE8188
12. CSID:18635972, https://www.chemspider.com/Chemical-Structure.18635972.html, (accessed 17:04, Sep 25, 2024) https://www.chemspider.com/Chemical-Structure.18635972.html
13. Calcium pidolate/colecalciferol. React. Wkly. 1430, 11 (2012). https://doi.org/10.2165/00128415-201214300-00037

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