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Benefits of L-Methyl Folate
Published on: September 27, 2023

Main benefits of L-Methyl Folate in Pregnancy and Depression

What is L-Methyl Folate?

A naturally occurring form of Vitamin B found in several food products. The man-made form of the same is known as Folic acid. The formation of healthy cells, especially the red blood cells, requires folic acid. Methyltetrahydrofolate, levomefolate, and L-Methyl Folate are some forms of folic acid supplements. Low folate levels are prevented or treated using folic acid supplements. Certain types of anemia can be a result due to low folate levels. Among the several conditions, kidney dialysis, certain intestinal or stomach problems, liver disease, alcoholism, pregnancy, and poor diet are some of the conditions that can cause low folate levels. To prevent infant spinal cord birth defects, folic acid supplements or the inclusion of folic acid in the diet should be prescribed to women of childbearing age to maintain adequate amounts of folic acid in their bodies.

How to use L-Methyl Folate?

Usually consumed once daily, L-Methyl Folate supplements should be taken with or without food by mouth as directed by a doctor. All the directions on the product package should be followed if an individual is taking the over-the-counter product including L-Methyl Folate. A pharmacist or doctor should be consulted in case of the slightest query about the product. The response of the patient to the treatment or the medical condition is taken into account to decide the recommended dosage.

The product should not be taken more often than directed, without the doctor’s suggestion. To get the most benefit from the product, this should be taken regularly. The doses should be taken at a particular time in the day for better remembering. The dietician or doctor-recommended diet plan should be followed strictly for best results. Medical help should be sought right away if conditions get worse or last for a long period and serious medical problems are visible.

L Methyl Folate is generally used for the treatment of Folic acid deficiency, Schizophrenia, Major depressive disorder & Megaloblastic anemia. For both Schizophrenia & Major depressive disorder, L Methyl folate is used in higher doses ranging from 7.5mg to 15mg.

L-methylfolate benefits

Side Effects

There are a few side effects that are usually related to folic acid consumption. A doctor or a pharmacist should be contacted right away if unusual effects from taking this product are observed. If the doctor judges the benefit to be greater than the risk of the side effects, then only he directs the patients to use the product. The occurrence of serious side effects is very rare for the people who use this product. Trouble in breathing, dizziness, swelling or itching of the throat, tongue, or face, and rashes are some of the serious allergic reactions that might occur in a few rare cases. In this case, a doctor or medical experts should be consulted right away. Other general side effects of L Methyl Folate are confusion, nausea, sleep disturbance, anorexia, flatulance & diarrhoea.


It is crucial to inform the doctor or pharmacist about a patient’s medical history, particularly a Vitamin B12 deficiency which can result in pernicious anemia. Folic acid, when taken as directed by a doctor, is safe for consumption during pregnancy. Before taking L-Methyl Folate supplements, one should consider the inactive ingredients that may cause allergies or other issues. Although it is unlikely that folic acid will harm a nursing infant, it is important to consult with a doctor before breastfeeding as it may pass into breast milk.

The risk of serious side effects can be increased or might change how the medications work in presence of the drug interaction. The prescriptions of the herbal products and the drugs should be shown to the doctor or a medical expert before they prescribe this product to the patient. Interaction of L Methyl Folate with alcohol is unknown but still it shouldn’t be taken along with alcohol consumption. There has been seen to be moderate interaction with Carbamazepine & Phenytoin and thus L Methyl Folate should be avoided along with these drugs.

Depression (Can be taken up from the other blog on depression, relevant parts)

Depression, a mood disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest, affects an individual’s thoughts, behavior, and emotions. Clinical depression or major depressive disorder can lead to various physical and emotional problems such as feeling life isn’t worth living, difficulty with daily activities, and recurrent thoughts of suicide or death. Depression cannot be overcome by simply willpower, and treatment often involves psychotherapy, medication, or a combination of both. It is estimated that 1 in 7 adults will experience depression at some point in their lives.

Signs of depression include unexplained physical symptoms like headaches or back pain, persistent thoughts of suicide, difficulty with memory, concentration, and decision-making, feelings of self-blame or guilt, slow body movements and thinking, restlessness, changes in appetite, fatigue, lack of interest in normal activities, irritability, hopelessness, and sadness. Severe depression can also cause problems in relationships and daily activities. If you suspect you have depression, it is recommended to see a mental health professional or a doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Main benefits of L-Methyl Folate in Depression

Causes of Depression

The four leading causes of depression are stated as follows:

  • Personality. Individuals with specific personalities are somewhat more prone to experience depression. These personality traits include sensitivity to criticism, being a perfectionist, having low self-esteem, and having a tendency to hold in stress and worries.
  • Alcohol, drugs, and medication. There is an unfortunate side of depression with the intake of several different medications. The side effects should be researched and doctors should be consulted if an individual experiences depression after the starting of a new medication. Depression can be also triggered or worsened by the use of alcohol and recreational drugs. Recreational drugs and alcohol initially help the symptoms of depression but eventually, the situations worsen.
  • Illness and health issues. The mental health of an individual is significantly impacted by any physical injuries or illness. Depression can be caused by a drastic change in an individual’s lifestyle due to physical health issues, long-term health issues, or chronic health issues. The impact can also be caused by issues connected to sleep problems, low blood sugar, menopause or menstrual cycle, hormones, or the brain.
  • Family history. Tracing depression hasn’t been possible by the research on any specific genes. An individual is more likely to be prone to depression if his family has any records of depression.

Symptoms of Depression

Unexplained physical problems such as headaches and back pain, trouble in remembering things, making decisions, thinking and concentrating, frequent or recurrent thoughts of suicide, attempting suicide or death, fixating on self-blame or past failures, guilt or feeling of hopelessness or worthlessness, restlessness, agitation or anxiety, lack of energy and tiredness, changes in the sleeping pattern which can cause disturbance or insomnia, problems in anger management and visible frustration and irritability with a feeling of uselessness, emptiness and frustration and sadness are some of the significance symptoms that can highlight depression.

Effects of L-Methyl Folate on treating Depression:

According to research conducted by using L-Methyl Folate in prospective and retrospective studies to enhance the response of antidepressants. The use of L-Methyl Folate was studied within a naturalistic setting to assess the changes in depression severity and medical satisfaction in patients. For over 1 year, an automatic telephone system was used to record the experiences of the patients before and after using medical food L-Methyl Folate (Deplin) 7.5 mg or 15 mg with a gap of a period of 3 months. A 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) was prepared along with medication satisfaction questions and questions related to the quality of life to carry out this survey.

The change in depression severity to the endpoint from the baseline was the primary outcome of the research. The total number of patients who were selected for this research purpose was 554, out of which 52 patients reported being treated with L-Methyl Folate alone, and the other 502 patients reported that L-Methyl Folate was added to their existing medication.

According to the observations that were taken, the patients before the medication reported a lower satisfaction score of 5.2, as compared to the medication satisfaction with L-Methyl Folate, which had a mean satisfaction score of 7.0. Thus, according to the results, L-Methyl Folate is observed to have a positive effect on antidepressant medications. Hence, L-Methyl Folate can be used while treating a patient who is suffering from depression.

The deficiency of red blood cell folate and serum folate levels is considered independent risk factors for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Folate deficiency is also associated with poor responses to medicinal depression treatment, as well as more severe episodes of depression. L-methylfolate increases folate levels for patients with a deficiency of this vitamin, which is meant to positively impact the body’s response to medicinal depression treatment. L-methylfolate is occasionally prescribed alongside either selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). L-methylfolate serves as a medicinal supplement to these antidepressants for patients who have shown partial or no response to SSRIs alone. Studies have shown that L-methylfolate can have a positive impact on MDD treatment for patients with certain mutations in their gene code.

Frequently Asked Questions on: Main benefits of L-Methyl Folate in Pregnancy and Depression
What is L-Methyl Folate used for?

Patients suffering from low levels of folate in the body can be treated by using Levomefolate, which is a vitamin B. Patients with depression with low folate levels who are already going through mental health medication or antidepressants can be prescribed this drug to help them manage their mood or depression.

Is L-Methyl Folate the same as folic acid?

Naturally found in some specific food products, folate is a B Vitamin, whereas the man-made form of folate is folic acid. The red blood cells and healthy cells need folic acid or L-Methyl Folate to be produced in the proper amount. Methyltetrahydrofolate, L-Methyl Folate, and levomefolate are some common types of folic acid supplements.

What are some of the side effects of L-Methyl Folate?

Weight loss impaired judgment confusion excitement over activity irritability difficulty in concentration and altered sleep patterns or some of the side effects of using L-Methyl Folate.

Does L-Methyl Folate cause weight gain?

Differences in weight gain, sexual dysfunctions, sedation, and gastrointestinal side effects are not observed with the use of L-Methyl Folate.

What type of Folate is best for pregnancy?

The advice of consumption of 400 to 1000 mcg of folic acid per day is given to women who are planning a pregnancy or can become pregnant. Nuts, peas, beans, and dark green leafy vegetables are some of the major sources of Folate. Strawberries, melons, bananas, lemons, and oranges are some of the fruits in which folate is found. Folic acid is the synthetic form of folate.

Is methyl folate the same as B12?

The active form of folate is methyl folate and that of B12 is methyl B12. Further conversion is not necessary for these forms of folate, since they are available in ready-to-consume formats. For the proper synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine and methionine, the active formula of vitamin B12 known as methylcobalamin is recommended.

Is L-Methyl Folate effective in treating depression?

With 45.7% of the patients in the world achieving remission over 12 weeks and 67.9% of patients responding to the treatment, a reportedly significant improvement was observed in depressive symptoms in a real-world study that was conducted.

How long does it take for L-Methyl Folate to help depression?

Relief symptoms such as insomnia anxiety and restlessness L-Methyl Folate along with anti-depression can be prescribed to the patients for effective results of a higher degree. 2-4 weeks up to 4 months can be needed for L-Methyl Folate to show its benefits in curing depression.

Does L-Methyl Folate increase dopamine?

With a putative mechanism of action, serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine levels are increased in the brain functions by a consistent dosage of L-Methyl Folate.

Does L-Methyl Folate give you energy?

Depression can be cured at a faster rate by prescribing L-Methyl Folate to a patient along with regular antidepressants. The L-Methyl Folate can be taken in the form of a supplement. Many other rules are also played by the L-Methyl Folate and MTHFR gene. Energy production, supporting and adding immune function and the body’s detoxification system, and repairing DNA are some of the rules that are played by L-Methyl Folate and MTHFR

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